Discover the Power of LipoTabs (LPT's) a patented liposomal chewable tablet.

Liposomal LPT chewable tabs (Lipotabs) provide a safe and more efficient way for the body to absorb nutrients, peptides and other targeted therapeutic compounds. LPTs do not have stability problems that plague the liposomal industry – LPTs are proven stable.

Why liposomal products?

In general, liposomes are touted as a major advantage over regular oral delivery systems. Some of their benefits over general oral delivery include:
  • Greater bioavailability many drugs, oral supplements (including vitamins, minerals and other nutrients) and oral peptides have low absorption rates and poor effectiveness due to destruction in the GUT and other factors affecting GI absorption including health status, age, and foods/other supplements taken concurrently – thus the need for liposomes
  • Protects therapeutic agents from GUT degradation
  • Smaller doses of agents are effective
  • Eliminates the need for unwanted pharmaceutical agents/additives
  • Liposomes can help improve health outcomes

Liquid liposomal products on the market have inherent stability issues including:

  1. Liquid liposomes are the most popular delivery method. 
    • Why? They are the easiest to make.
  2. Liquid liposomes require heat.
    • Makes product thermodynamically unstable.
    • Decomposes active and inactive/inert ingredients (phospholipids).
  3. Liquid liposome leakage rate increases over time, which in-turn shortens the shelf-life of the product.
  4. Liquid liposome particles clump together to form larger and larger particle size.
    • Liquid liposomes reported to grow from 100nm size to 3000nm over a 30-day period.
    • Larger particle size means less bioavailable.
    • Larger size also means increased potential for side-effects.

Why choose oral chewable Lipotabs (LPTs) over conventional liquid liposomes?

  1. Technology invented 2018 by PHARMA scientist – patent-pending.
  2. Lipotabs do no required heat in production.
  3. Lipotabs are thermodynamically stable.
    • No decomposition after tablet is pressed.
    • No pharmacodynamic interactions.
    • No substrate to facilitate reaction – unlike liquids.
    • No leakage rate – actives “locked” in place w/ phospholipids.
    • Stable particle size and distribution.
  4. The smaller the particle size, the greater bioavailability.
    • Lipotabs range from 60-130 nm vs. 100-300nm for liquid liposomes.
    • Means lower dose for increased therapeutic effects.
    • Lower potential for toxicity.
  5. Non-toxic excipients.
  6. Tableted liposome (Lipotab) much more effective dispersion than liquid liposomes.
  7. LPT particles don’t “clump” like liquid liposomes.
    • Greater Bioavailability.
    • Greater Stability.
    • Superior Product.
    • Superior Results.

Chewable tablets offer several advantages also:

  • Oral drug/nutrient/peptide delivery without the need for water
  • Ease of swallowing
  • Some of the agent will be absorbed buccally, bypassing hepatic circulation and metabolism
  • Further improved bioavailability